Well, of course it slipped right into the tub with her and she panicked because she knew she couldn't get it wet and she wasn't to have it in the tub. A minute later the situation was discovered due to a four year old panicking in a bathtub and mommy had to take over....
I had dad console 4 year old, took the iPod, turned it off immediately and placed it covered in a container of brown rice (that's the only rice we had.)
You see, that was her very own iPod that mommy and daddy had engraved and given to her for Christmas last year. (We really wanted our iPads back too!) She was very proud because it represented that she was a big girl. She was very upset.
You have to understand something else. My husband has no patience when he gets something in his head. He's been impatiently waiting 24 hours to turn the device back on. I wanted to leave it off for at least 72 hours. I figure it is what it is....Nope, hubby has to turn it on tonight. Great, everything worked on it. Well, everything but the freaking sound. The thing was stuck in headphone mode. The ringer would work in settings but nothing else would unless headphones were actually plugged in.
Mommy had to come to the rescue again because of course Richard can't let it go for another couple of days...I start searching everything on the internet. Trying all the suggested methods like blowing out the headphone jack with compressed air, q-tip with alcohol, tissue, inserting headphones in and out really fast several times, sucking on the headphone jack, hard reset of the headphone jack, etc...We tried all but freezing the iPod and resetting it on iTunes to wipe the whole thing. Then I came across a post about the iPod being confused. It actually thinks that it's sitting in a dock and playing. Well, what else could we lose right?
I went and dug out one of the free very soft bristled toothbrushes from my frequent airline travels. I rubbed the charging slot gently for about 20 seconds with the toothbrush.
Wallah, now it actually works! Woohoo!!!! No, replacement needed. ( I wouldn't have replaced that expensive thing for a pre-k age child anyways)
So, lessons learned are:
- NEVER let husband, iPods, children and baths gather together in one place
- NEVER let husband panic from impatience
- ALWAYS listen to mom because she will always find a calm solution and is ALWAYS right! LOL
Disclaimer and note to husband: I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH RICHARD! Now let me go to bed please. I have a P.T. test early in the morning for my job.
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